9/11 Unity Walk

September 11, 2011
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. EDT
Location: Off Campus Washington Hebrew Congregation, 3935 Macomb Street NW Map

The Berkley Center participated in the 9/11 Unity Walk, organized around the theme "From different walks, we serve as one," which articulated a vision for a world where people are united rather than divided. The walk started at the Washington Hebrew Congregation, with a symbolic Muslim call to prayer and keynote speakers, including Tony Blair, Maureen Fiedler, Senior Rabbi Bruce Lustig, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, and the Most Rev. Barry Knestau. Participants walked past open houses at places of worship to experience a variety of faith and cultural traditions. Walkers were then welcomed at the Islamic Center of Washington by a gospel choir singing Amazing Grace and proceeded to the Gandhi Memorial for a closing celebration.

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