In the News, January 22, 2016

January 22, 2016

Today's religion and world affairs news from the United States and around the globe: forbidding chess in Saudi Arabia, cultural vandalism in war zones, joint antiabortion activism by Catholics and evangelicals, and a dispute over prayer breaks at a Wisconsin manufacturer.

Saudi Arabia’s Top Cleric Forbids Chess, but Players Maneuver
by Ben Hubbard
New York Times
In a fatwa, or religious decree, issued in response to a question from a caller to a Saudi television show, Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh said that the game was “the work of Satan,” like alcohol and gambling, despite its long history in the Middle East. Chess is played across the Arab world. 

About 3,500 Slaves Held by Islamic State in Iraq: U.N. Report
“Those being held are predominantly women and children and come primarily from the Yezidi community, but a number are also from other ethnic and religious minority communities,” said the joint report issued in Geneva. 

Pope Francis Overturns Tradition to Allow Women in Lenten Foot-Washing Rite
by Phillip Pullella
Until now, only men or boys were formally allowed to take part in the service, in which a priest washes and kisses the feet of 12 people to commemorate Jesus’ gesture of humility toward his apostles on the night before he died. But in a letter to the Vatican department that regulates rites of worship, Francis said the group should be made up of “all members of the people of God,” including women. 

To Make a Case Against Islamic State’s Cultural Vandalism, Western Armies Must Set and Example
Economist Erasmus blog
The world was shocked by this week's revelation that a 1,400-year-old monastery in Iraq had been razed to the ground by Islamic State. But the latest revelation about cultural vandalism raises broader questions about the way historical and spiritual monuments are treated in war zones. To make a convincing case against IS, Western governments need to demonstrate their own respect for vulnerable heritage. 

Why the March for Life is Becoming a Destination for More Evangelicals
by Michelle Boorstein
Washington Post
Evangelicals have long been opposed to abortion. But some leaders fear that evangelical support for antiabortion activism may be shallow. While Catholic groups have been protesting legal abortion for decades, evangelicals have only recently begun to engage in explicit acts of protest along side Catholic groups. The reasons evangelicals haven’t been joining Catholics in public activism recently are theological, cultural and political. 

Some Evangelicals Struggle with Black Lives Matter Movement
by Mark Oppenheimer
New York Times
Many Christian groups have become active in Black Lives Matter as the movement has progressed. But those denominations tend to be liberal in their thinking. The path is trickier for conservative evangelical groups. They would all agree that black lives, like other lives, matter. But evangelicals, especially those who support Republican candidates, are uncomfortable with the movement because of its embrace of liberal politics, associated with Democrats. 

Related | Survey Reveals a Startling Truth About White Christians
By Jim Wallis
Huffington Post
A recent Public Religion Research Institute survey has revealed a devastating truth: around 70 percent of white Christians believe police-involved killings of African Americans are simply isolated incidents. 

Muslim Workers Leave Wisconsin Manufacturer Jobs in Prayer Dispute
Muslim workers at a manufacturer in northeast Wisconsin walked out of their jobs after their employer began enforcing its break policy that does not allow them to pray at the times dictated by their faith, the company said on Tuesday.
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