David Steinberg
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David Steinberg is a specialist on Burma-Myanmar, North Korea and South Korea, Southeast Asia, and US policy in Asia. He is a distinguished professor and director of Asian Studies at Georgetown University. He was previously a representative of the Asia Foundation in Korea, distinguished professor of Korean Studies at Georgetown University, and president of the Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs. Earlier, as a member of the Senior Foreign Service, US Agency for International Development (USAID), and Department of State, he was also the director for Technical Assistance in Asia and the Middle East, and Director for Philippines, Thailand, and Burma Affairs. He spent three years in Thailand with the USAID Regional Development Office. He is the author of thirteen books and monographs, including: "Turmoil in Burma: Contested Legitimacies in Myanmar" (2006), "Burma: The State of Myanmar" (2001), "Stone Mirror: Reflections on Contemporary Korea" (2002),and "The Republic of Korea: Economic Transformation and Social Change"(1989). He has authored over 100 articles and book chapters, and some 250 op-eds. Professor Steinberg was educated at Dartmouth College, Lingnan University (Canton, China), Harvard University, and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
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