Event Summary: Making Pluralism Possible - The Promise and Challenge of Religious Peacebuilding in Bangladesh

Author: Nathaniel Adams

October 3, 2015

The third Speakers Forum on Religion and Development in Bangladesh took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 3, 2015. The topic, "Making Pluralism Possible: The Promise and Challenge of Religious Peacebuilding in Bangladesh," focused on exploring and understanding communal violence in Bangladesh, which has spiked to levels not seen in over 30 years; this event summary provides an overview of those discussions. Though many recognize the critical role religion plays in social tensions and conflict in Bangladesh, the country has seen limited efforts to bolster religious peacebuilding. In this context, there is a need for a nuanced examination of the religious dimensions of communal violence in Bangladesh, as well as an exploration of the ways in which religious communities and leaders can be better engaged to counter intolerance and promote peace. Featuring local and regional scholars and practitioners, this forum incorporates diverse perspectives and experiences and offered points of comparison, aimed at better understanding and addressing communal violence and religious intolerance. 

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