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Jim Wallis

Research Fellow

Center on Faith and Justice

Latest Updates

May 5, 2022

The United States Has a Moral Obligation to Help Vaccinate the World

Senior Fellow Katherine Marshall and Research Fellow Jim Wallis are two of the co-authors on a Religion News Service op-ed arguing that the United States has unique assets and unique responsibilities in the global COVID-19 pandemic. The op-ed highlights Faiths4Vaccines, an inclusive, multifaith movement promoting COVID-19 vaccination.


Reverend Jim Wallis is a bestselling author, public theologian, and commentator on religion and public life, faith, and politics who serves as the inaugural Archbishop Desmond Tutu Chair in Faith and Justice and leader of the Center on Faith and Justice in the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy; he has been a research fellow at the Berkley Center since 2010. Wallis is the founder and ambassador of Sojourners, a progressive Christian grassroots movement that advocates spirituality and social change in America. His publications include Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus (2019); America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America (2016); The (Un)Common Good: How the Gospel Brings Hope to a World Divided (2014); On God's Side: What Religion Forgets and Politics Hasn't Learned about Serving the Common Good (2013); and Rediscovering Values: On Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street — A Moral Compass for the New Economy (2010).

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