Mohandas Gandhi on the Unity of All Religions

January 1, 1946

[…] Call Him Ishvara, Allah, God, Ahura Mazda. His names are as innumberable as there are men. He is one without a second. He alone is great. There is none greater than He. He is timeless, formless, stainless. Such is my Rama. He alone is my Lord and Master.

[…] To each man according to his faith is all that I can say. If all religions are one at source, we have to synthesize them. Today they are looked upon as separate and that is why we kill each other… This matter of Rama is one which transcends reason.

[…] Indeed religion should pervade every one of our actions. Here religion does not mean sectarianism. It means a belief in ordered moral government of the universe. It is not less real because it is unseen. This religion transcends Hinduism, Islam, Christianity etc. It does not supersede them. It harmonizes them and gives them reality.
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