Spanish Concordat of 1953, Articles 1, 2, 24, 26, 31

August 1, 1953

The Apostolic Holy See and the Spanish State, with the intention of guaranteeing fruitful co-operation for the greater good of the religious and civil life of the Spanish nation, have determined to draw up a Concordat which resumes and completes previous Concordats, and establishes the rules governing the reciprocal relationship between the contracting parties, in agreement with the law of God and the Catholic tradition of Spain.

Article 1 The Apostolic Roman Catholic Church will continue to be the sole religion of the Spanish State and will enjoy the rights and prerogatives due to it under Divine and Canon Law.

Article 2 The Spanish State recognizes in the Catholic Church the character of the perfect society and guarantees it the free and full exercise of its spiritual power and jurisdiction, as well the free and public exercise of the religion.

Article 24 In general, all sentences, administrative decisions and decrees emanating from Church authorities in all matters within the limits of their competence will have effect on the civil order when they have been communicated to the appropriate State authorities who will, moreover, give the necessary support for their execution.

Article 26 In all centers of education, of whatever type or level, both public and private, teaching will conform to the principles of the dogma and morality of the Catholic Church.

[…]The Ordinaries can demand that books, publications and educational materials contrary to Catholic dogma and morality are prohibited or withdrawn.

Article 31 The Church may freely exercise the right to establish and govern public schools of all types and grades, including secular ones, according to Canon 1.375 of the Code of Canon Law. […]

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