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Various religious traditions respect, if not revere, the natural environment. This inspires religious engagement on environmental issues at all levels of society, on topics ranging from sustainable agriculture to water and sanitation, approaches to extractives, and land rights.

Programs and Projects

Faith and Agriculture

Faith and Agriculture

Agriculture is the main source of income and sustainability for many African households, and smallholder agriculture remains the backbone of both economies and society in many countries. Interventions by development partners, governments, and private…


January 30, 2024

Catholic Sisters: Their Work and Focus on Building Peace

This report shines a light on a distinctive category of women peacebuilders, Catholic sisters, who share many challenges and assets of both religious peacebuilders and women and work with specific identities and organizational setups that merit a closer look.

Report July 3, 2023

Interfaith Action to Protect Global Rainforests: What do we know about gender as a force and factor for change?

This review outlines the findings of a literature analysis conducted by the World Faiths Development Dialogue  on behalf of Religions for Peace, focused on the intersections between religion, gender, and climate change in three rainforest regions: The Amazon, Congo Basin, and Southeast Asia. It briefly sets out the rationale for engaging with the three themes, in the context of the large…

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