Featured - Towards a Constructive Ethical Pragmatism
Leader: Michael Kessler
Georgetown’s Normative Orders Collaborative was an interdisciplinary and international effort during 2014 and 2015 wherein both Georgetown University and Fudan University (Shanghai) worked with and extended the pioneering efforts of the Cluster of Excellence on the Formation of Normative Orders at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. The centerpiece of Georgetown’s contribution to this effort was the Moral Innovation Seminar, a full-year faculty and graduate student seminar led by Professors Henry S. Richardson and Terry Pinkard. The seminar explored how morality changes over time, in particular asking how such changes might become incorporated in what morality objectively requires. The seminar’s discussions were conducted by leading thinkers from Georgetown and around the world, including presenters from Fudan and Frankfurt.
Executive Director
Department of Government and Georgetown Law