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Wendy Tyndale


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Wendy Tyndale is a development scholar and practitioner who has worked as a campaigner with human rights groups and a free-lance journalist, both in the UK and Germany. She co-founded the Chile Committee for Human Rights in London in 1974. She had been working in the Latin America department of Christian Aid for 11 years when she joined the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD); she also headed DFID's Latin America department for 9 years and has lived in Peru, Chile, and Guatemala. At WFDD she traveled extensively in Asia and Africa and engaged with people from many different religious traditions beyond her own. She is the author of Visions of Development: Faith-based Initiatives (2006) and Protestants in Communist East Germany (2010). Tyndale is an advisory board member for the Knowledge Centre Religion and Development.
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