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Bangladesh: Religious Dimensions of Development and Social Cohesion

Leaders: Katherine Marshall Sudipta Roy

The World Faiths Development Dialogue in collaboration with Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs and the Centre for Peace and Justice at BRAC University are engaged in a three-year research project entitled “Bangladesh: Religious Dimensions of Development and Social Cohesion.” This project explores the faith dimensions of development and social cohesion and supports coalitions that work in practical ways to foster peace and interfaith understanding. The corresponding development topics for each project year are education, gender, and climate change/youth.

WFDD’s central goal is to create research materials that support national-level advocacy and inspire collaborative dialogue among secular and faith actors, policymakers, and development institutions that often operate separately, but have important shared objectives and values.

Bangladesh: Religious Dimensions of Development and Social Cohesion

Project Leaders

Katherine Marshall headshot

Katherine Marshall

Senior Fellow
Walsh School of Foreign Service, Executive Director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue

Sudipta Roy headshot

Sudipta Roy

Research Fellow
Senior Researcher, World Faiths Development Dialogue

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