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Ahimsa Forum 2017

Global Health, Social Entrepreneurship and Faith Inspired Communities

Wednesday, June 28-30, 2017
Location: Off Campus Map

The 3rd Ahimsa Forum, organized by the France-based Ahimsa Fund, was held from June 28-30, 2017 at Les Pensières Centre for Global Health in Annecy, France. The biannual forum was established as a space for dialogue, allowing participants the chance to learn from one another in order to create a global network supporting humanitarian initiatives worldwide. One of the forum's key goals is to bring people together around ambitious, effective projects on a global scale, with a belief that humanitarianism can and should unite, rather than divide. The 2017 forum brought together 134 participants from 36 countries and covered a wide range of topics and ideas, including investing in the health workforce; faith health providers and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of health for all; innovative financial and business models to achieve the new SDGs; and entrepreneurship, health, and migrants. WFDD was a sponsor of the forum, and executive director Katherine Marshall chaired several of the sessions.

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