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Faculty News

Showing 329-332 out of 1335 News

Jocelyne Cesari

February 19, 2022

Dr. Jocelyne Cesari on Religion and Nationalism

Senior Fellow Jocelyne Cesari was interviewed by the Turkish outlet Medyascope, where she provided insight into the dynamics between religion and politics in Turkey, drawing from research presented in her new book, We God's People (2021).   

José Casanova speaks at lectern

February 14, 2022

One Military Crisis, Four Underlying (Constructed) Conflicts

Writing for Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, Senior Fellow José Casanova unpacks the Russia-Ukraine situation, arguing the crisis is manufactured by Vladimir Putin and reflects Russian dissatisfaction with the post-1989 political and cultural status quo.

Terrence L. Johnson

February 13, 2022

Bridging the Gap Between Blacks and Jews in America

Senior Fellow Terrence L. Johnson joined Georgetown colleague Jacques Berlinerblau to discuss why it’s so hard for Blacks and Jews to get to know each other in this conversation, published by the Daily Beast.

Other News

Showing 329-332 out of 1121 News

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