Commitment — Graduate fellows work up to 15 hours/week during the summer, fall, and spring semesters. A master’s level graduate student can work no more than 20 hours/week—in all campus employment combined—when classes are in session. Positions start after June 1, 2023, flexible with the student’s schedule. The last day of work is the last day of classes in May 2024.
Community – Graduate fellows participate in monthly gatherings to share about their work and connect with Berkley Center faculty and staff. Graduate fellows are invited to use the full resources of the center, including the conference rooms, common workspaces, and kitchen.
Career Development – We help our graduate fellows connect their Berkley Center experiences to the job market, apply for conferences and scholarships, and get published. Staff and faculty participate in assisting with these opportunities. All graduate fellows conducting semi-independent research may also participate in the annual student symposium.