Global Safeguarding

The sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults within the Catholic Church and other religious communities is a decades-long crisis that has led to immense suffering around the world. These resources provide ethical and theological reflection on the theory and practice of safeguarding vulnerable populations from sexual abuse in religious and faith-based settings.

New Cold War, New Anti-Nuclear Activism
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. EST Online
Book November 1, 2023
Precarious: A Survivor of Clerical Abuse Remembers - Foreword
This book tells the story of how Patrick C. Goujon, S.J., learned to survive the shock of the revelation of his childhood abuse and to live as a believer. Senior Research Fellow Gerard J. McGlone, S.J., contributed the foreword.
Other Publications
Article November 19, 2020
Utility of the Rorschach in Psychological Assessments for Diocesan and Religious Candidates

How have the distinct theologies and organizational models of the Southern Baptist Convention and Catholic Church impacted the way that these religious bodies have dealt with sexual abuse? Do religious authorities in positions of power have the duty to address tenets of their theology that may contribute to sexual abuse?
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