Educators play a central role in increasing the public understanding of religion. These resources include teaching materials such as virtual curricular modules, syllabi, case studies, and publications that may be used in a wide range of courses. Additionally, we offer essays on engaging difference in the classroom, and we invite Georgetown faculty to learn more about our Doyle Seminars program.
Religion and World Affairs Virtual Course Modules Featured Project
This curated collection of curricular modules draws on open-access articles and multimedia sources to support online learning in higher education at the intersection of religion and world affairs, including topics like development, globalization, literature, politics, and public health.
Doyle Seminars Featured Project
Doyle Seminars are small, upper-level classes that foster dialogue on diversity and difference through student research and co-curricular learning.
Case Studies on Religion and Conflict Featured Project
This collection of case studies provides a resource for teachers, students, and policy professionals seeking a deeper understanding of religion's complex role in conflicts around the world. Each case looks at religion not in isolation but as it interacts with other domestic and international factors.
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