Georgetown backdrop

Ethics and International Affairs

United Nations Headquarters with Flags

The world’s most pressing challenges, ranging from advancing human rights and equality to combating climate change and containing conflict, require the cooperation of states, international organizations, and civil society actors. Berkley center programs, events, and publications illuminate the ethical dimension of international relations – and its complex links back to religious and philosophical traditions – from a variety of diverse perspectives.

Our Experts

Judd Birdsall headshot

Judd Birdsall

Senior Fellow
Department of Theology and Religious Studies

José Casanova headshot

José Casanova

Senior Fellow
Professor Emeritus

David Hollenbach headshot

David Hollenbach

Senior Fellow
Walsh School of Foreign Service and Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Current and Past Projects

New York City Skyscrapers with Globe

Faith and the Global Agenda

From 2007 to 2010 the Berkley Center collaborated with the Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF) on a series of publications on religion in world affairs. A first report on "Islam and the West: Annual Report on the State of Dialogue" was released…

Statue of St. Peter with Key of Heaven at the Vatican

Normative Orders Collaborative

Georgetown’s Normative Orders Collaborative was an interdisciplinary and international effort during 2014 and 2015 centered around the Moral Innovation Seminar, which explored how morality changes over time and asked how such changes might become incorporated in what morality objectively requires.
Fishing Boat with Nets on Lake

What Do I Owe You: Mapping Global Responsibility

What Do I Owe You was a year-long multi-media project that sought to understand how individuals who are enmeshed in a global economy and have daily interactions across diverse cultures and religions mold their views about what they owe each other…

Ethics and International Affairs A-Z Subtopics

Narrow your search for Ethics and International Affairs content by selecting from this list of subtopics


February 11, 2025

New Cold War, New Anti Nuclear Activism (Video)

Duration: 1 hours 3 minutes

December 12, 2024

The Geopolitics of Religion and Culture in Asia (Video)

Duration: 1 hours 4 minutes

November 13, 2024

Caring for the Other: Refugees and Displaced Persons Webinar (Video)

Duration: 56 minutes

Blog Posts

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