Josiah Idowu-Fearon
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Rt. Rev. Josiah Idowu-Fearon has been secretary-general of the Anglican Consultative Council (which facilitates the work of the Anglican Communion) since 2015. He previously was Anglican archbishop of Kaduna and served on the 2003-2004 Lambeth Commission on Communion, which considered worldwide Anglican unity in response to divisive debates on homosexuality; he is past president of the Anglican Network for Inter Faith Concerns. A proponent of Christian-Muslim dialogue in Nigeria, Idowu-Fearon is a co-founder of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Christianity at Kaduna and has been an area leader for the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA). In 2007 Fearon began a term as a Six Preacher (a preaching priest) at Canterbury Cathedral in London; he previously taught at the cathedral’s International Study Centre. Ordained in 1971, he became a bishop in 1990. Idowu-Fearon studied at Durham University and the University of Birmingham.