Marcia Pally
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Marcia Pally is a Professor at New York University in Multilingual Multicultural Studies and a permanent Fellow of the New York Institute for the Humanities; in 2009 she received the Mercator Guest Professorship at Humboldt University of Berlin and was a co-recipient of a 2009-11 research grant from the German Research Foundation. Her research interests focus upon the intersection between culture, religion, and politics, with a particular focus on U.S. foreign policy and the influence of culture on language use and learning. Her most recent books include Die neuen Evangelikalen: Freiheitsgewinne durch fromme Politik (2010), Liebeserklarungen aus Kreuzberg und Manhattan (2009), Die Hintergrundige Religion: Der Einfluss des Evangelikalisum auf Gewissensfreiheit, Pluralismus, und die US-amerikanische Politik (2008), and Warnung vor dem Freunde: Tradition und Zukunft amerikanischer AuBenpolitik (2008). Pally has also published widely as a journalist over the past two decades.
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