Resources for Research and Writing

These resources are a collection of writing and instructional material for college students and faculty. Users will find various methods, tools, and exercises designed to assist with academic writing. Topics include how to formulate a clear thesis, synthesize an argument, utilize linguistic accuracy, and write coherently. Further, these sources also provide assistance with research methodology, including qualitative data collection and analysis.

Online Resources

Bogazici BUOWL provides online resources for students and teachers of writing at the School of Foreign Languages.

Harvard College Writing Center offers comprehensive advice to students about the fundamental elements of writing.

The Harvard College Writing Center website also offers a “brief guide” section with a guide to writing in different disciplines.

Purdue OWL is an online writing lab (OWL) at Purdue University with writing and instructional material for college students and teachers.

Rutgers University offers this alphabetical guide to grammar and style by Jack Lynch. Search for keywords, usage, additional readings, and online sources for writing.

WAC Clearinghouse focuses on writing in all disciplines, providing sample assignments and publications on academic writing and the teaching of writing.

Books and Journal Articles

Coffin, Caroline, Mary Jane Curry, Sharon Goodman, Ann Hewings, and Joan Swan. Teaching Academic Writing: A Toolkit for Higher Education. London: Routledge, 2003.

James, B. “Rethinking What it Means to Write: A Contribution from Judith Butler,” Journal of Academic Language and Learning, vol 8(1) 14-23.

Janesick, Valerie. “A Journal About Journal Writing as a Qualitative Research Technique: History, Issues, and Reflections.” In Qualitative Inquiry 5, no. 4 (1999): 505-524. 

Marshall, Catherine, and Gretchen B. Rossman. Designing Qualitative Research, Fifth Edition. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2011.

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