A Conversation with Akbar Ahmed: "Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam"
A Conversation with Akbar Ahmed: "Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam" Video Player
Thursday, September 9, 2010
6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. EDT
Intercultural Center (ICC) ICC Auditorium Map
Sally Quinn, founder of the Washington Post's On Faith page, moderated this conversation on scholar Akbar Ahmed's new book Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam, which explores and documents how Muslims are fitting into US society, seeking to place the Muslim experience in the United States within the larger context of American identity.
Ahmed and his team of young researchers traveled through over 75 cities across the United States and visited over 100 mosques. Ahmed illuminates unexplored Muslim-American communities through his pursuit of challenging questions: Can we expect an increase in homegrown terrorism? How do American Muslims of Arab descent differ from those of other origins (e.g. Somali or South Asian)? Why are so many white women converting to Islam? Much like Ahmed's widely hailed Journey into Islam: The Crisis of Globalization (2007), Journey into America is equal parts anthropological research, listening tour, and travelogue. Whereas the previous book took the reader into homes, schools, mosques, and public places in heavily Muslim nations, Journey into America takes readers into the heart of America's Muslim communities in America.
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A Conversation with Akbar Ahmed: "Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam"
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