Building Interreligious Understanding on the Twenty-First Century College Campus

Alison Boden

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This lunch meeting and panel discussion was part of the launch for the Berkley Center project on undergraduate learning and interreligious understanding. Panelists addressed the initial findings of a poll of Georgetown undergraduates about their attitudes towards their own religious traditions and the traditions of others. This multi-year study is designed to deepen knowledge about connections between undergraduate learning and interreligious understanding in an era of growing religious and cultural pluralism. Alison Boden, dean of religious life at Princeton University, delivered a keynote lecture.


Keynote Lecture | Alison Boden

Overview of Initial Survey Findings | Barbara Craig, Michael Kessler

Building Interreligious Understanding on the Twenty-First Century College Campus | Alison Boden, Hafsa Kanjwal, Noah Silverman, Christopher Steck

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