Christians in American Public Life

Confronting Controversies and Cultivating Common Ground

Thursday, January 23, 2020
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. EST
Location: Healy Hall Riggs Library Map

Christianity Today's editorial calling for the removal of President Donald Trump from public office prompted a wide-ranging and sometimes heated discussion among evangelicals specifically and Christians more generally about religion's role in American public life. This discussion of faith engagement in the public square covered the theological, legal, and prudential rules that should govern such engagement.

The discussion included four commentators who have written widely about these issues and hail from different sectors of the Christian tradition. Panelists used Melissa Rogers’ book, Faith in American Public Life (2019), as a springboard for the discussion. The book seeks to serve as a guide to key rules that define the relationship between government and religion, an area that has often been mischaracterized and misunderstood. Berkley Center Senior Research Fellow E.J. Dionne led the discussion, which featured Rogers, editorial director of Christianity Today Ted Olsen, and executive director of Sojourners Rev. Adam R. Taylor.

A book signing with Melissa Rogers and a reception followed the discussion.

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