Engaging Local Communities Affected by Multilateral Development Bank-Financed Projects

A Conversation with Warren Evans

Thursday, April 8, 2021
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. EDT
Location: Online Zoom

As the Asian Development Bank (ADB) special project facilitator, Warren Evans is responsible for providing neutral facilitation of problem-solving of complaints from people affected by ADB-assisted projects, including indigenous people and vulnerable households and communities. Evans took on this role in September 2017 and has 40 years of professional practice, specializing in environment, climate change, and sustainable development.

In this presentation, Evans covered the main sources of complaints, the roles of NGOs/CSOs, the challenges of consultation and participation with project-affected people, and an example of successful facilitation of conflict resolution. Tracy Kapezi (G'21) and Samera Yousuf (G'21) served as moderators.

This event was co-sponsored by the Asian Studies Program; the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs; the Global Human Development Program; and the Master of Science in Foreign Service Program.

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