Guest Lecture: John Carr on Faith-based Advocacy for Anti-Poverty Programs

Thursday, September 15, 2011
4:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. EDT

John Carr, Executive Director of Justice Peace and Human Development for the United State Conference of Catholic Bishops, joined the class to talk about the extensive faith-based efforts to maintain social programs funded in Congress. Carr works on behalf of the US Catholic Bishops, but works closely in coalition with a range of other religious and secular organizations that share a dedication to protecting programs that serve the poorest Americans. Especially in a time of fiscal cuts, the poorest don’t have highly paid lobbyists. Instead, religious and social service organizations speak out on their behalf. Carr talked in particular about the Circle of Protection initiative of the faith community, which called for protecting programs that serve the poorest from cuts designed to balance the US budget.

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