Guest Lecture: Rev. Adam Taylor and Kathy Saile on Poverty in America

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
4:00 a.m. EDT

In order to give sufficient attention to both domestic and international poverty, this session includes two guest lecturers. The Rev. Adam Russell Taylor brought a Christian perspective on international development. Formerly a Sojourners staffer, Rev. Taylor is vice president for advocacy at World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. Taylor emphasized the impact the world’s faith communities can have in the developing world—not only through their actions and service, but also through their patient, persistent, and effective advocacy work in urging political leaders to be ever mindful of the plight of the world’s poor. In the realm of domestic poverty, Kathy Saile presented a compelling case for the urgent need to protect state and federal programs that aid poor and vulnerable Americans. Saile is the director of domestic policy for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Drawing on the rich tradition of Catholic Social teaching from Rerum Novarum and Quadragesimo Anno to the present day, the lecture highlighted the effectiveness of (and need to protect) vital social programs like Medicaid and SNAP.

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