Opus Prize Awards Ceremony
Opus Prize Awards Ceremony Video Player
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. EST
Copley Hall Copley Formal Lounge Map
The work of individuals to address global issues such as poverty, illiteracy, hunger, disease, and injustice too often goes unrecognized. The Opus Prize honors these unsung heroes with a $1 million award for efforts to solve today's most persistent and pressing social problems.
Georgetown University and the Opus Prize Foundation hosted the tenth annual Opus Prize awards ceremony. Sakena Yacoobi, founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning in Afghanistan, was awarded the 2013 Opus Prize. The other two finalists were Fahmina Institute in Indonesia and Sister Carol Keehan, president of the Catholic Health Association in Washington, D.C.
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