Peace from Africa: The Mozambique Story
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Archbishop Jaime Pedro Gonçalves, archbishop of Beira and apostolic administrator of Quelimane in Mozambique, gave a lecture at Georgetown University on the peace process in Mozambique. After a long struggle resulting in Mozambique's independence from Portugal, the country slipped into a 16-year civil war, with 1 million dead and 4.5 million refugees. With neither side nearing military victory, Gonçalves, two members of the Community of Sant'Egidio, and an Italian MP became the four mediators in the 27-month peace process to successfully broker peace in Mozambique. It is an African peace that has now endured more than 15 years. This lecture is part of Peace Africa, a series of events in the United States that promote awareness of the possibility of peace for Africa.
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Peace from Africa: The Mozambique Story