Alan Jones
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The Very Rev. Alan W. Jones is a minster ordained in the Episcopal Church. From 1985 until his January 2009 retirement, he was dean of Grace Cathedral Episcopal Church in San Francisco, where he helped launch and moderate the Forum at Grace Cathedral, a series of conversations on the role of faith and ethics in contemporary life. Prior to that, Jones was the Stephen F. Bayne Professor of Ascetical Theology and director and founder of the Center for Christian Spirituality at General Theological Seminary. He has also served on the staff of Trinity Institute of Wall Street's Trinity Church. His publications include Reimagining Christianity: Reconnect Your Spirit without Disconnecting Your Mind (2004), Seasons of Grace: The Life-Giving Practice of Gratitude (2003, with John O'Neil), and Soul-Making: The Desert Way of Spirituality (1989). Jones earned a Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham.
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