Alvin Carl Plantinga
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Alvin Plantinga is the John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. Before coming to Notre Dame in 1982, he taught at Calvin College from 1963 to 1982. A widely regarded philosopher of religion, he is credited with helping revive Christian philosophy. Acclaimed for his work on metaphysics, the problem of evil, and the epistemology of religious belief, he has written or edited numerous books, including Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism (2011), Science and Religion (2010, with Daniel Dennett), and Knowledge of God (2008, with Michael Tooley). Other major works include God and Other Minds (1967), The Nature of Necessity (1974), Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God (1983, ed. with Nicholas Wolterstorff), and a major trilogy on “Warrant” which argues, among many other things, that belief in God is “properly basic.” Plantinga received his A.B. from Calvin College and Ph.D. from Yale University.
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