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Amelia Uelmen

Senior Research Fellow

Georgetown Law

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Amelia ("Amy") Uelmen is the director for mission and ministry and a lecturer at Georgetown Law and a senior research fellow at Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. Her seminar courses help students develop the communication skills they need to foster understanding across deep differences. Her scholarship focuses on how religious values might shed light on tort law, legal ethics and legal education, and how principles of dialogue might inform debates about religion in the public square. Previously Uelmen was the founding director of Fordham University's Institute on Religion, Law & Lawyer's Work (2001-2011) and an associate with law firm Arnold & Porter (1996-2000). 

Her publications include 5 Steps to Healing Polarization in the Classroom (2018, with Michael Kessler), Five Steps to Positive Political Dialogue (2014), Education's Highest Aim: Teaching and Learning through a Spirituality of Communion (2010, with Michael James and Thomas Masters), and Focolare: Living a Spirituality of Unity in the United States (2011, with Thomas Masters). She is active in the Focolare Movement. In 2016 she completed an S.J.D. with a dissertation on the moral and legal obligations of bystanders to a victim in need of emergency assistance. Her B.A. in American studies and J.D. are from Georgetown, as well as an M.A. in theology from Fordham University.

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