Andrew Davies
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Andrew Davies
is reader in the Public Understanding of Religion and director of the Edward
Cadbury Centre. A biblical scholar by training, he has written and lectured on
cultural approaches to the Bible, contemporary forms of Christian worship and
expression, and on Christian engagement in the fields of culture and social and
public policy. As a specialist in civic engagement and public education, he was
principal investigator for a AHRC-supported project, ‘Megachurches and Social
Engagement in London’ which investigated the social engagement activities of
the UK’s largest churches, leading to his ongoing interest in exploring
theological motivations for political and social interaction. An experienced
academic project manager, Davies has led a variety of educational research and
development projects for the University of Birmingham, including its flagship
interdisciplinary education activity, ‘The Birmingham Project’, where he has
been responsible for developing the University’s relationships with international businesses such as IBM, PwC, and KPMG.
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