Benedict D'Rozario
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Dr. Benedict D’Rozario worked for Caritas Bangladesh from 1987 through 2016, serving as the executive director from 2005 until his retirement in June 2016. D'Rozario serves
as the chair of Caritas Internationalis Committee for Institutional
Development and Capacity Strengthening. He is also a member of the Vatican's Pontifical
Academy for Life. D'Rozario serves on the government of
Bangladesh's National Steering Committee for Rural Development Policy and is a
member of the Humanitarian Advisory Council of Caritas Internationalis in Rome. D’Rozario
obtained his second M.Sc. from the University of Portland and his Ph.D. from the
University of Bath. The title of his Ph.D. thesis is Factors
Influencing the Growth of Sustainable People’s Organization at the Grassroot
Level: The Case of Caritas DEEDS and Sangathan in Bangladesh.
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