Christopher McCrudden
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Christopher McCrudden is Professor of Human Rights and Equality Law, Queen’s University Belfast, and William W. Cook Global Law Professor at the University of Michigan Law School. During the 2013-2013 academic year McCrudden is a Straus Fellow at the Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law & Justice. He is also a fellow of the British Academy and visiting professor at the University of Oxford, where he previously taught human rights law. His work concentrates on issues of equality and discrimination and the relationship between international economic law and human rights. He is the author of Understanding Human Dignity (2014) and Buying Social Justice: Equality, Government Procurement, and Legal Change (2007), as well as numerous journal articles. In addition, he serves on the European Commission’s Expert Network on the Application of the Gender Equality Directives. He received his L.L.B. at Queen’s University Belfast, L.L.M. at Yale University, and Ph.D. at Oxford University.
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