Edward Maloney
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Edward (Eddie) Maloney is the executive director of the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship (CNDLS) and an associate professor of the practice of narrative literature and theory in the Department of English. At CNDLS, he helps to define Georgetown’s strategy to advance teaching and learning practices at the university, including developing innovative approaches to technology-enhanced learning, learning analytics, and fulfilling the Jesuit mission of teaching to the whole student. Maloney has served as the electronic resources editor for the Heath Anthology of American Literature, and he is currently working on two book-length projects—one, Footnotes in Fiction, on the use of artificial paratexts in fictional narratives, and the other, Narrative Pedagogy, on the role of narrative in teaching and learning. He holds a Ph.D. from the Ohio State University in English Literature and a master’s degree from Syracuse University in English and Textual Studies.
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