Emma Leslie
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Emma Leslie is executive director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, a not-for-profit organization that promotes research and action on peace building initiatives throughout Asia. Based in Cambodia since 1997, she works together with her husband, Soth Plai Ngarm, on peace education and conflict transformation. She advises the Friends Economic Development Association, a community-based organization
providing English language and vocational skills to young people in
the former conflict zones of Cambodia’s northwestern provinces, and Teanthor, a community-based organization working with monks
who counsel people living with HIV/AIDS. Leslie helped found the Asian branch of Action International
Network, a network of conflict transformation practitioners who share
their learning through practical experience and enhance peace work by
developing new initiatives. Leslie co-authored the peace and
disarmament curriculum for Cambodian high schools, a curriculum for
community level training on mediation and alternative dispute
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