Firdous Azim
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Azim is a professor of English and chair of the Department of English and Humanities at BRAC University. She is
also a member of Naripokkho, a woman’s activist group in Bangladesh. Her current work is based on research and writing around the cultural history of women in Bangladesh. Azim has published widely both in the field of
post-colonialism and literature, as well as on feminist issues. Her books
include The Colonial Rise of the Novel (1993) and Infinite Variety: Women in
Society and Literature (1996). She is a
contributing editor for Feminist Review and is a member of the editorial board
of the Journal of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, as well as a member of the Board of
the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society. Azim obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Sussex in 1989 and was awarded a fellowship by the university as one of its 50 most distinguished alumni and academics in 2012.
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