Flavia Agnes
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Flavia Agnes is a women’s rights lawyer and pioneer
of the women’s movement in India focused on issues of gender and law reforms.
As co-founder of MAJLIS, a legal and cultural resource center, her primary
engagement has been to provide quality legal services to women and children.
She has played an important role in bringing women's rights to the forefront
within the legal system and in contextualizing issues of gender and identity. A
prolific writer, she has provided incisive analysis of domestic violence,
minority law reforms, secularism, and human rights. Significant among her many
publications is her autobiographical book My
Story Our Story ... Of Rebuilding Broken Lives, translated into several languages and in
its fourth edition. Other publications include Law & Gender Inequality: The
Politics of Personal Laws in India (2001)
and Women and Law in India: An Omnibus Comprising Law and Gender
Inequality, Enslaved Daughters, Hindu Women and Marriage Law (2004,
with Sudhir Chandra and Monmayee Basu).
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