Helena Burns
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Sr. Helena Burns, F.S.P., is a
member of the Daughters of St. Paul,
an international congregation founded to communicate God's Word through the
media. She is the movie reviewer for the Catholic
New World, Chicago’s archdiocesan newspaper. Burns is currently writing and
producing a documentary on the life of Blessed James Alberione and is a
co-producer on 40, a pro-life documentary. She is a regional
vocation director for her congregation and author of He Speaks to You (2012), a book for young women. Burns has been
giving media and theology of the body workshops to youth and adults across the United States and Canada since the 1990s. Burns holds a B.A. in
theology and philosophy from St. John's University, New York; she also studied
screenwriting at UCLA and Act One, Hollywood and holds a Certificate in
Pastoral Youth Ministry. She is finishing her M.A. in Media Literacy Education.
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