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Ihsan Ali-Fauzi


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Ihsan Ali-Fauzi is the founder and director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD, Pusat Studi Agama dan Demokrasi), Paramadina Foundation, and a lecturer at the Paramadina Graduate School, Jakarta, Indonesia. After finishing his undergraduate study at the Department of Theology and Philosophy, the Syarif Hidayatullah State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN, Institut Agama Islam Negeri), Jakarta, he studied Southeast Asian history and political science at the Ohio University, Athens, and the Ohio State University, Columbus, both in the United States. In addition to various publications in Bahasa Indonesia (books, journal articles and opinion pieces), he authored and co-authored some English articles published among others in Asian Survey, Studia Islamika and East Asia Forum and three books: Learning from each other: Muslim Societies in Indonesia and South Asia (2009), Disputed Churches in Jakarta (2011), and Policing Religious Conflicts in Indonesia (2015).
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