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Imtashal Tariq


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Imtashal Tariq is the global peacemaking specialist for Intersections International and lecturer of international law at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Prior to Intersections, she was a research fellow for the Prisoners’ Education Trust and carried out over eight prison inspections in the United Kingdom in response to international obligations under the UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Tariq is currently a member of Criminologists Without Borders, the British Society of Criminology, American Sociological Association, New York Asian Women’s Center Outreach Advisory Committee, and ECPAT’s Young Professionals Committee; she is a judicial board member of John Jay College and the Gender and Feminism Society of Cambridge University. She received her B.A. in International Criminal Justice from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and her M.Phil. in Criminological Research from the University of Cambridge.
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