Jackline Mwikali Mwongela
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Sister Jackline Mwikali Mwongela, IBVM, is a member of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is a member of Talitha Kum International and is the regional Talitha Kum youth ambassador. Sr. Mwongela holds an advanced diploma in community-based development and a B.A. in sustainable human development. She currently works as a project manager for Religious Against Human Trafficking, where she coordinates projects across 25 Catholic dioceses fighting against human trafficking at the grassroots level. These projects include intervention and prevention strategies, organizing awareness campaigns, and addressing the needs of the most vulnerable in the community. She is passionate about ensuring women know their rights and are equipped to defend themselves from being trafficked. Sr. Mwongela is part of the inaugural cohort of the Women in Faith Leadership Fellowship.