Jen Luettel Schweer
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Jen Luettel Schweer is the associate director for Sexual Assault Response and Prevention
Services in Health Education Services at Georgetown University. She provides direct
services, outreach, education, training, and programming around issues of
interpersonal violence and is an adjunct faculty member in Georgetown's Women
and Gender Studies Department. Before coming to Georgetown in 2006, she
began her work in 2002 as an advocate and counselor with a community domestic
violence and sexual assault crisis center. She serves on the Program
Advisory Board for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network and
co-facilitates the DC University Consortium. She is a member of the DC Sexual
Assault Response Team and the DC Sexual Assault Victims Rights Amendment Act
Task Force. Her B.S. in Education and M.A. in Counseling Psychology are
from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She is a Licensed
Professional Counselor in the District of Columbia.
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