Kanta Kumari Rigaud
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Kanta Kumari Rigaud has more than 25 years professional experience in natural resources management, environment management, and climate change/adaptation issues. She is currently the Lead Adaptation Specialist and World Bank coordinator of the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) where she oversees the adaptation policy work, knowledge exchange and analytical work related to the adaptation agenda. Through the PPCR program she is working through the teams of the 18 participating countries to nurture shared learning, knowledge exchange and communities of practice to advance the climate resilient agenda. She has worked in a wide range of countries globally, but most recently was in the Middle East North Africa Region of the Bank where she spearheaded several adaptation initiatives related to the coastal zone, rainfed areas, and forests. Previously Kanta worked with World Wildlife Foundation, CSERGE (a policy think tank at the University of East Anglia), and the Global Environment Facility. She has a Masters in Ecology and a PhD on Environment from the United Kingdom.
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