Katharine Babson
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Katharine Babson (Kitty), an Episcopal minister, currently lives in Maine where she is pastor of a small local ecumenical church on Bailey Island, a largely lay-led ministry. She is also a volunteer chaplain at Maine Midcoast Hospital. A strong proponent of inter-cultural, interfaith, and international exchange among people of difference, she has served on the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on World Mission and chaired its Episcopal Partnership for Global Mission, a consortium of Episcopal Church agencies working in various capacities all over the world. She has been an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Mission and World Religions at Virginia Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia. Rev. Babson has focused for over 25 years on Myanmar, making over 30 month-long trips to Myanmar since 1994. A graduate of Williams College, she earned her Masters in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary and her Doctorate in Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.