Kathleen Collins
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Kathleen Collins is
an associate professor of political science at the University of Minnesota.
Her interests include political transition and democratization, Islam and
politics, civil and ethnic conflict, clan politics, informal institutions, and
Soviet and post-Soviet political development; she has conducted extensive field
research in Central Asia. Collins has been a consultant with the
National Bureau of Asian Research, United Nations Development Program, and United
States Agency for International Development, among others. She authored Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia (2006),
which won the Central Eurasian Studies Society Award for the best book in the social sciences on Central Eurasia. Collins has published articles in World Politics, Comparative
Politics, Journal of Democracy, Political Research Quarterly, Europe-Asia
Studies, Asia Policy, and the Brown Journal
of International Affairs. She
is working on her second book, The Rise
of Political Islam in Eurasia: State Repression, Ideology, and Islamist
Mobilization. Collins received her Ph.D. from Stanford
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