Kelly James Clark
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Kelly James Clark is Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College and former Executive Director of the Society of Christian Philosophers. He has held postdoctoral fellowships at Oxford University, the University of St. Andrews, and the University of Notre Dame. Currently focused on the philosophy of religion, epistemology, and Chinese philosophy, he is the author, editor, or co-author of more than twenty books and author of over fifty articles; his books include Return to Reason (1990), The Story of Ethics: Human Nature & Human Fulfillment (2003, with Anne Portenga), and 101 Key Philosophical Terms of Their Importance for Theology (2004). His book Abraham's Children: Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict is forthcoming from Yale University Press. He is the co-chair of the September 2011 conference on "Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict" hosted by the Berkley Center.
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