Luis Arancibia
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Luis Arancibia works for Fe y Alegria, a federation of local organizations offering educational opportunities to the poor in 19 countries. As part of its International Federation team, he is responsible for the implementation and strengthening of the Sustainability Axis, which mobilizes the economic and social resources needed to support Fe y Algeria's educational services. Arancibia was previously the deputy director of Entreculturas, a Jesuit NGO in Spain that works to improve education for the poor in countries of the Global South; Entreculturas is a close partner of Fe y Alegria. Arancibia was born in Madrid and was inspired, thanks to faith-based volunteer work in Spain and Argentina, to focus on the international social justice wing of economics. Before he began his work at Entreculturas in 2000, Arancibia worked for eight years with Manos Unidos of Spain, a Catholic NGO.
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