Lyn Lusi
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Before her death in 2012, Lyn Lusi spent her professional lifetime caring for people of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and supporting systems that allow communities to thrive under difficult circumstances. Born and educated in England, she came to the Congo in 1971 as a missionary teacher. After she married Dr. Jo Lusi in 1974, she came to live in the DRC, working in school and hospital administration and with several non-governmental organizations. She and her husband cofounded what is now known as HEAL Africa in Goma. It provides comprehensive health care for people in eastern DRC; Lusi worked with local churches and communities to overcome stigma in HIV and gender-based violence. The hospital provides pyscho-social care alongside fistula repair. It also offers women education and skills training so that they can provide for themselves and their families after leaving the hospital. In 2011 she won the Opus Prize for her work.
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