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Mary Nyangweso


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Professor Mary Nyangweso is associate professor and J. Woolard and Helen Peel distinguished chair in Religious Studies at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Her area of specialization is religion, human rights, and gender.  She earned her Ph.D. in the Sociology of Religion at Drew University.  She has published extensively on matters related to domestic violence, female genital cutting, and HIV/AIDS. She has authored two books; Female Genital Cutting in Industrialized Countries: Mutilation or Cultural Tradition? (Praeger, 2014) and Female Circumcision: the Interplay between Religion, Gender and Culture in Kenya (Orbis, 2007). Nyangweso also directs a non-profit organization -Women’s Interfaith Support Organization (WISO) - which advocates against the abuse of children’s and women’s rights and helps fundraise for scholarships for needy children from abusive families.  
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